Common myths in pregnancy
Pregnancy is a wonderful stage in the life of a woman. It definitely brings happiness to her most of the time. But you will all agree if I say that pregnancy is a period that brings in a lot of confusion. There are many myths when it comes to pregnancy which lacks scientific evidence. Let’s take a look at each of them:
Myth 1: A pregnant woman always has to eat for 2 people: A pregnant woman only requires a few calories extra which can be gained very easily through regular nutritional food consumption. The nutrition and quality of food are very important compared to the quantity. Taking nutritious food at small intervals is the best practice. Instead of eating something heavily 3 times a day, you can eat 6 times a day, every time you can try a different item, thus getting the nutrition from each of these foods. It is important that pregnant ladies follow a balanced diet
Myth 2: Ultrasound or any kind of medication can harm your child: Ultrasound utilizes only sound waves which help in getting the picture of the embryo/fetus inside. Unlike X-rays or CT scans, it doesn’t involve any kind of radiation. Through numerous studies, it’s proven safe for a pregnant woman and the fetus.
Not all medicines are harmful during pregnancy. When you get an infection or any other issues during pregnancy, your doctor may prescribe only antibiotics or medicines that are proven to be safe during pregnancy. Taking self-medication can also be harmful
Myth 3: The sex of the baby can be determined based on the shape of the belly or heart rate or based on cravings for sweet or spicy food: Fetal Heart rate keeps fluctuating every time. The sex of the child cannot be determined by the shape of the belly, heartbeat, or any such factors
Myth 4: Heavy exercise/consuming certain foods can always ensure a normal delivery: Exercise to an extent can help relax your pelvic muscles and can help in a normal delivery but normal delivery cannot be guaranteed through taking specific foods or exercises. It totally depends on the fetal position at the time of delivery. It is also important to ask your doctor if you can exercise during pregnancy
Myth 5. Some foods can cause miscarriage/abortion: It is a common myth that foods like pineapple, papaya, sesame, dates, grapes, etc. can cause abortions. There is no scientific evidence for this
Papaya: Raw papaya contains Latex and Papain (enzyme)which may induce uterine contraction (only if eaten in very large quantities). Ripe papaya is rich in beta-carotene, potassium, vitamin A and C which can be beneficial when taken in small quantities.
Pineapple: Pineapple contains a lot of nutrients including vitamin C, Folate, vitamin b6, manganese, copper, etc. which is also beneficial when taken in small quantities. Taking very large quantities may induce uterine contractions.
It is not necessary that taking the above foods in limited quantities can end up in abortion. However, you can avoid taking the above foods if you are afraid to take them. Miscarriages or abortion can be caused due to several reasons and especially in the first 3 months, it cannot be always controlled through specific foods or medicines
Myth 6: Certain foods can change the color of the fetus: The color of the fetus is already decided on the day fertilization took place. Taking iron tablets or dates will not make your baby dark-colored, eating a lot of saffron or having a lot of milk products is not going to make your baby fairer.
Saffron has other advantages: It helps in controlling mood swings, blood pressure, stomach cramps, etc. The quality and consumption quantity are also important. Taking up to 3 to 4 strands of saffron can be beneficial.
Myth 7: Spicy foods can cause miscarriage or can induce labor: Over spicy foods can cause heartburn, but it is not proven that it can induce labor. Avoiding very spicy food is always advisable during pregnancy not because it induces labor, but it can cause digestive discomfort
When it comes to pregnancy diet, medication, exercise, or if you see any specific abnormalities/discomforts, it is always advisable to check with your doctor immediately.